Sunday, June 19, 2016


To wrap it up, embrace pain, you learn so much from it. It may be physical or emotional, but in either situation, your body or mind is telling you something.  I believe it to be God’s way of talking to you.  One translation uses the word “intuition” in the scripture shown above. 

The scripture above is God talking to Job after he endured countless and horrible injustices at the hand of the devil.  As God talks to Job, he is saying to him, “Who do you think gives you intuition?”

When you experience emotional pain and you feel compelled to “do something about it”, you must trust your intuition.

That is so unbelievably awesome; God really is that innermost, small voice inside of each one of us.  God actually said this to Job.    

We all know that God does not sit down with us every day and review our situations.  He doesn’t have a flow chart or project plan that gets updated each time we meet a milestone or change course.  PLEASE PEOPLE:  Spend time with God, learn to listen to Him in the only way he can communicate with us, WHILE WE ARE LISTENING!! 

If you spend time with Him, praying and reading the bible, then when  you have that intuition of what to do, and it lines up with the word of God, you can act on it with confidence.  

“Who has put wisdom in the innermost being
or given understanding to the mind?
Job 38:36

Thank you so much Lord for speaking to me and leading me to the right path.  I vow to spend time with you every day so our communication can be two way.  Thank you Lord.

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